• CAP Menorca, generosos jardines privados.
  • CAP Menorca, generosos jardines privados.
  • Cap Menorca, un lugar único
  • CAP Menorca edén mediterráneo
    Relais & Chateaux
    Mediterranean Eden

    The Mediterranean Eden

    Cap Menorca Relais & Châteaux, a unique place in the heart of nature. Offering a breathtaking paradise: the sea, palm trees, olive groves, umbrella pine and Majorca due south on the horizon. Thirty hectares of lush vegetation overlooking a wild coastline.


    Unique, nature-oriented place

    Unique place

    In the heart of a finca with a proud and deep-rooted military past, this exceptional hotel offer fifteen suites of exquisite elegance, with diaphanous interior and infinite private gardens, discreetly distributed in a natural environment. Between cliffs and Mediterranean vegetation, in symbiosis with its surroundings, Cap Menorca offers the idyllic summer experience, with your feet in the water.


    Pleasure and wellbeing

    Menorca is a land of culture and agriculture, offering a wide variety of fresh produce in season. The wealth of local produce makes it possible to prepare a healthy and varied cuisine. At Cap Menorca we offer luxurious, well-balanced breakfasts, an al fresco dining area by the main swimming pool at lunchtime and incredible dinners overlooking the sea and under the stars.


    A look at Cap Menorca


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